Olga S. Zorina
Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate professor
Olga S. Zorina
Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate professor
Building №1, room 1142
Since the 1990s Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev has been accepting foreign students. Later in 2007 it set up Center of Foreign Students' Education which also runs preparatory courses for foreign students. University entrants have an intensive course of the Russian language as well as brief introductory classes in mathematics and physics. Admission to the university is based on applicant's academic success at graduate exams which are taken at the end of preparatory courses.
Nowadays the university has students from different countries: China, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Morocco, Yemen, Congo, Iraq, Egypt, Ecuador, etc.
Every NNSTU foreign student is guaranteed a place in the hostel.
The cultural life of foreign students is interesting and exciting: excursions over the city, days of foreign languages, football matches.
Preparatory courses start on the 1st October while the other academic years start on the 1st September.
To have an academic invitation we kindly ask granted applicants to send us in advance via e-mail:
We also request applicants to provide us with brief information (preferably in Russian) on:
On arrival an applicant must have the following documents:
Please, send e-copies of these documents to
Address: Room 1142, 24, Minin Street, Nizhny Novgorod, the Russian Federation, 603155.
Phone/Fax: +7-831-436-43-87