Rustam Sh. Bedretdinov
Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate professor

Postgraduate Study Department

Persons with master's or specialist's degrees are admitted to mastering postgraduate programs.

The list of documents required for admission:

  • an application for admission (filled out and printed in the personal account (PA));
  • a consent to processing of personal data (filled out and printed in the PA);
  • a copy of your  passport (first two pages and a page with registration);
  • a diploma of higher education (an original master's/specialist's diploma and a copy of bachelor's and master's diplomas) - for the budget form of education;
  • a diploma of higher education (an original master’s/specialist’s diploma and a copy of a bachelor’s diploma) or an application for consent to enrollment (printed in the PA) with attached copies of a diploma of higher education (a copy of a master’s/specialist’s diploma and a copy of a bachelor’s diploma) – for the commercial form of education;
  • your insurance number of individual ledger account (a copy);
  • a list of publications (if any), drawn up according to Form 16 (the example) or an abstract on the research topic (the title page example);
  • two photos 3x4;
  • copies of diplomas of a participant or winner of scientific conferences, competitions, olympiads.

Copies of documents are accepted upon presentation of original documents.

Documents are submitted in two stages:

  1. Online in the PA. Instruction
  2. After checking documents by a moderator, a candidate must print, sign and submit a set of documents to the dean’s office in room 1267. (on weekdays from 10:00 to 15:00).

Codes and names of groups of scientific specialties

Codes and names of scientific specialties in accordance with the Nomenclature of Scientific Specialties


1.1 Mathematics and Mechanics

1.1.6 Computational Mathematics

4 years

1.1.8 Mechanics of a Deformable Solid

4 years

1.1.9 Mechanics of Liquid, Gas and Plasma

4 years

1.2 Computer Sciences and Information Science

1.2.2 Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software Packages

3 years

1.3 Physical Sciences

1.3.3 Theoretical Physics

4 years

1.3.4 Radiophysics

4 years

1.4 Chemical Sciences

1.4.3 Organic Сhemistry

4 years

1.4.4 Physical Сhemistry

4 years

1.4.6 Electrochemistry

4 years

2.3 Information Technologies and Telecommunications

2.3.1 System Analysis, Management and Information Processing, Statistics

3 years

2.3.3 Automation and Control of Technological Processes and Production

3 years

2.3.4 Management in Organizational Systems

3 years

2.3.7 Computer Modeling and Design Automation

3 years

2.3.8 Computer Science and Information Processes

3 years

2.4 Energetics and Electrical Engineering

2.4.2 Electrical Complexes and Systems

4 years

2.4.3 Electric Power Engineering

4 years

2.4.5 Energy Systems and Complexes

4 years

2.4.7 Turbomachines and Piston Engines

4 years

2.4.9 Nuclear Power Plants, Fuel Cycle, Radiation Safety

4 years

2.5 Mechanical Engineering

2.5.1 Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics. Digital Product Lifecycle Support

3 years

2.5.6 Mechanical Engineering Technology

4 years

2.5.11 Ground Transport and Technological Means and Complexes

4 years

2.5.17 Ship Theory and Structural Mechanics

4 years

2.5.18 Vessel Design and Construction

4 years

2.5.20 Ship Power Plants and Their Elements (Main and Auxiliary)

4 years

2.6. Chemical Technologies, Materials Science, Metallurgy

2.6.1 Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys

4 years

2.6.3 Foundry

4 years

2.6.4 Metal Forming

4 years

2.6.7 Inorganic Technology

4 years

2.6.9 Electrochemical Process Technology and Corrosion Protection

4 years

2.6.10 Organic Technology

4 years

2.6.13 Chemical Technology Processes and Apparatus

4 years

5.2 Economics

5.2.3 Regional and Sectoral Economics

3 years

5.6 Historical Sciences

5.6.1 National History

3 years

5.7 Philosophy

5.7.1 Ontology and Theory of Knowledge

3 years

5.7.7 Social and Political Philosophy

3 years