VI Forum of University Alliance "Volga-Yangtze"

In November, 2023 VI Forum of Russian-Chinese University Alliance of the Volga Federal District and the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River was held in Nanchang (the People's Republic of China). The Forum was dedicated to the topic ''Educational and scientific potential of cooperation between Russian and Chinese universities''.

The Forum participants were greeted by Deputy Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Mr. Zhang Guoqing and Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District Mr. Igor Komarov who highly appreciated work of University Alliance ''Volga-Yangtze'' to deepen Russian-Chinese academic interaction.

Then, at the opening ceremony of the Forum the co-chairs of University Alliance ''Volga-Yangtze'' spoke: from Chinese side – Rector of Sichuan University Prof. Wang Jinsong, from Russian side – NNSTU Rector Prof. Sergey Dmitriev. Two rectors emphasized that University Alliance created in 2017, which includes more than 80 Russian and Chinese universities, is today one of the powerful tools for development of Russian-Chinese university partnership. The results speak for themselves: all its events provide opportunities for participants to exchange the best practices and knowledge in educational, scientific, technical and humanitarian fields. The co-chairs made proposals to consolidate efforts of all the participating universities in training highly qualified specialists, expanding academic exchanges and increasing joint scientific and technical research.

The representatives of Russian and Chinese universities made presentations in the main part of the Forum. The topics of their speeches were devoted to a variety of areas: educational cooperation between Russian and Chinese universities, humanitarian exchanges, scientific research, training of international innovative talents, youth cooperation, etc. The Forum participants expressed new ideas, voiced promising areas of joint work between universities and identified important components of development and strengthening of partnership relations between Russia and China.

And the most important thing is that these are important components of development of Russian-Chinese multifaceted interaction and strengthening of mutual understanding and friendship between our countries.