The II Forum of Rectors of Russian-Chinese Associations of Specialized Universities

The delegation of Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev headed by its Rector Prof. Dmitriev took part in the II Forum of Rectors of Russian-Chinese Associations of Specialized Universities which was held in Sanya, Hainan.

Currently, it consists of 13 Associations: classical, technical, pedagogical and the other universities. It includes more than 260 Russian educational institutions and more than 370 Chinese ones. Today it is the largest association of universities of two countries.

Numerous bilateral agreements have been concluded between the members of these Associations, student exchanges are carried out annually, joint educational programs are implemented, scientific seminars, conferences, forums in key areas are held and joint scientific research is conducted.

The Forum featured presentations by all the Rectors of the universities belonging to Russian-Chinese Association of Specialized Universities.

NNSTU delegation represented Russian-Chinese University Alliance of the Volga Federal District and the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River. NNSTU Rector Sergey Dmitriev introduced the activities of the Alliance. It consists of 50 Russian universities and 36 Chinese universities. The organization's work is aimed at developing international and interregional contacts, consolidating efforts to train highly qualified specialists, expanding academic exchanges and conducting joint scientific and technical research.

Since 2017 University Alliance “Volga-Yangtze” has become one of the powerful tools for development of Russian-Chinese academic partnership. It is a platform for joint events of Russian and Chinese participating universities in such fields as education, science and technology, as well as in the cultural and humanitarian environment. Six large-scale forums were organized in China, Russia and online format. Long-term and short-term internships, student competitions, academic exchanges, summer and winter schools are held, educational programs and cultural and educational projects are being implemented.

During the Forum of Rectors of Russian-Chinese Associations of Specialized Universities its participants noted the need for further development of the activities, strengthening the information component for more effective communication and activating the role of professional communities of Russia and China in achieving the goals of national development of both countries.