Polytechnic University is 105 years old!

Today Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev, one of the leading technical universities in the Volga Federal District, is celebrating its 105th anniversary.

For more than a century of its history, the university has trained over 300 thousand engineers, scientific and technical staff and lecturers. More than 80% of the heads of numerous industrial enterprises in the Nizhny Novgorod region have NNSTU diplomas.

A few years ago NNSTU won the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and received the status of a flagship university.

The new stage in NNSTU development became a victory in the All-Russian competition "Priority 2030".

The Technical University is included in the world-class Scientific and Educational Center of the Nizhny Novgorod Region and takes an active part in shaping the agenda of the REC. Currently a number of innovative projects are implemented in the field of nuclear and laser systems, "green" chemistry, intelligent transport systems, radio navigation and etc.

The scientific projects of the university fully meet the technological challenges facing the leading enterprises of the region. The university became a member of the consortium for development of new generation nuclear energy technologies, and as the head university entered one more consortium for development of the northern territories and the Northern Sea Route.

The new page in NNSTU development was a victory in the competition of the federal project "Advanced Engineering Schools". The university became the only one in the country that announced the topic of nuclear hydrogen.

In the next 10 years NNSTU advanced engineering school will train about one and a half thousand engineers of new formation, who without any adaptation period will be ready to work at high-tech enterprises. The university itself will also change radically: new scientific directions will appear, its material base will be strengthened - NNSTU will become the university of the future.

One of the oldest technical universities in the country opens a new page in its history. Happy birthday, dear NNSTU!