NNSTU representative gave lectures to Belarusian students

NNSTU Associate Professor Irina Karatushina read a course of lectures for the 4th year nuclear students of Belarusian National Technical University on "Nuclear power plants" discipline (section "Systems of normal operation of nuclear power plants with VVER type reactors").

The lecturer was invited to Minsk within the framework of the State Program of the Republic of Belarus "Education and Youth Policy for 2021-2025" (subprogram "Training for nuclear energy"), as well as the cooperation agreement between NNSTU n.a. R.E. Alekseev and BNTU.

The 4th year students of Belarusian National Technical University were trained on "Nuclear power plants" discipline (section "Systems of normal operation of nuclear power plants with VVER type reactors") on the eLearning Server 5G platform.

This course of lectures is especially relevant, since the current students will work at Belarusian NPP in 2025 and will be able to apply their acquired knowledge and competencies in their practical activities.