NNSTU n.a. R.E. Alekseev entered the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023

The Times Higher Education (THE) rating agency has published the results of the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023. This year, the number of educational institutions participating in the rating has increased significantly: it includes 1,591 universities from 112 countries, including 86 Russian ones.

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University has retained its positions in the 2023 ranking.

The project evaluates universities in terms of their impact on the sustainable development of society and their contribution to the achievement of these sustainable development goals set by the United Nations until 2030.

It evaluates the effectiveness and influence of universities as academic, scientific and social centers in terms of their progress towards achieving the key development goals of the global community until 2030 and reflects the impact of universities in public life based on the success of educational institutions in achieving sustainable development goals.

Based on the scale of the influence and the specifics of NNSTU work, the key goals for the university are the following: "Quality education", "Decent work and economic growth", "Industry, innovation and infrastructure" and "Partnership for the goals".