NNSTU n.a. R.E. Alekseev became a participant of the Forum of Chinese-Russian associations of specialized universities

The first Forum of Chinese-Russian associations of specialized universities was held online.

Currently, 12 such associations with more than 700 Russian and Chinese universities exist.

Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Natalia Bocharova in her speech noted important factors of Chinese-Russian cooperation in the field of higher education, science and humanitarian ties. One of the most important indicators of successful collaboration between two countries was conservation of a high level of academic mobility in difficult epidemiological conditions.

Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichiy said that development of inter-university ties, development of all formats and areas of scientific cooperation strengthen positions of the universities of both countries, develop their human resources, research and innovative potential.

NNSTU Rector Sergey Dmitriev took part in the Forum of Chinese-Russian associations of specialized universities. He represented Russian-Chinese University Alliance of the Volga Federal District and the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River.

Prof. Dmitriev mentioned that University Alliance «Volga-Yangtze» became a platform for joint events of Russian and Chinese participating universities in such areas as education, science and technology, as well as cultural and humanitarian environment. Four Forums were organized, long-term and short-term internships, student competitions, academic exchanges, summer and winter schools were held, educational programs, cultural and educational and research projects were implemented. At the moment it includes 50 Russian universities and 36 Chinese universities. Its creation helped to give a new impetus to relations between the universities, develop existing and initiate new projects and improve the quality and effectiveness of international cooperation.