NNSTU foreign student is a participant of the International Winter School in Obninsk

NNSTU foreign student of the Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering and Applied Physics Wahyudi Dian (Indonesia) became a participant of the First International Winter School for Foreign Students "Obninsk.Tex Winter School" which was held at MEPhI with the support of ROSATOM.

The School was based on the educational program "Career Development Vectors in the Nuclear Industry" for foreign students of Rosatom flagship universities designed to show the full range of career opportunities for graduates.

During the week, more than 120 international students from 34 countries improved their knowledge in the field of nuclear and related technologies. They visited numerous lectures, workshops and master classes.

The main areas of practical work carried out in the scientific laboratories were: "Radiation safety", "Non-destructive control", "Technical diagnostics", "Radiopharmaceuticals" and "Dosimetry". The students were taught to work with equipment, personal protective equipment, studied rules and methods of checking pharmaceuticals, worked at simulated situations with territory radiation pollution.

Besides, a few technical tours to some nuclear industry enterprises were organized for the participants of the program.