NNSTU and NPIC will continue the joint cooperation

In January, 2024 the delegation from Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC) visited Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev.

The visit of nuclear scientists from China is the next stage of NNSTU and NPIC collaboration which exists for more than 20 years.

This time NNSTU Rector Prof. Dmitriev gave the presentation of the university to the guests, dwelling in detail on the main areas of its scientific and educational activities.

Besides, various practical issues were discussed. NPIC and NNSTU specialists conducted the joint study of Safety Standards within the framework of the project “The cooperation in the study of safety of small modular reactors (SMRs) and the other key technologies” which include experience and views on development of SMRs in China and Russia and can be widely used for research and development of SMRs .

It was agreed that in the future NPIC and NNSTU will continue its technical cooperation and exchange, as well as the joint promotion of these standards for their application.