New horizons for cooperation between Russian and Chinese universities

On the New Year's Eve the working meeting of the secretariats of the Alliance of Russian-Chinese Associations of Specialized Universities was held. The online meeting was moderated by the executive secretaries of the Russian-Chinese Association of Economic Universities.

It was noted that today the Alliance has become a significant factor in development of scientific and educational cooperation between the two countries. The organization includes 14 Russian-Chinese Associations of specialized universities which unite about 700 higher educational institutions of various profiles.

The head of the secretariat of the University Alliance “Volga-Yangtze” Yevgeny Ivashkin presented its activities and results and recalled that the format of Russian-Chinese interregional cooperation plays an important role in training of highly qualified personnel, development of interregional and international contacts and implementation of scientific projects.

On behalf of the University Alliance “Volga-Yangtze” its representatives made a proposal to synchronize the calendar plans of the Russian-Chinese Associations next year for closer interaction and exchange of experience.