"Innoprom. Central Asia"

The delegation of Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev took part in the III industrial exhibition "Innoprom. Central Asia", held in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent.

The event was attended by 457 companies from industry sectors such as mechanical engineering, metallurgy, technology, energy solutions, etc. The Russian exposition impacted 281 exhibitors from 70 regions of Russia.

According to the organizers, the forum brought together more than 10,000 participants from 24 countries, imitating more than 50 agreements.

NNSTU delegation was presented by Rector Prof. Dmitriev, first Vice-Rector Prof. Ivashkin, Vice-Rector for Development Programs Prof. Khrobostov and Director of the Advanced Engineering School Prof. Tumasov.

NNSTU representatives also visited Tashkent State Transport University. During the meeting with its Rector Odil Abdurakhmanov, who is also an adviser to President of Uzbekistan on youth, science, education, healthcare, culture and sports, topical issues of cooperation in the field of science and higher education, activities in the areas of technology development for road transport plans and mutual interest on nuclear issues were also discussed.